Wants To Get Popular? Here’s The Ultimate System That Helps You!

The ultimate five-star-rating system that helps you share your life!

This system is an online platform that allows quick share of instant moments of your life! It allows people to see others’ daily experiences and post their own. The popularity of this application is skyrocketing and would likely become a monopoly in social media in next year.

The Ultimate Rating System

  • The Phone
China Is Making Black Mirror's "Social Credit" A Reality
Mobile Phone that makes everything much more convenient.

The rating system could be installed into any types of mobile phones in the market. Any picture could be easily posted onto this platform, and it would be shown to your friends as well as a certain number of strangers, based on the algorithm’s calculation.

One distinct characteristic different from all of the social media platforms that used to be popular like Instagram or Facebook is that this system contains a Five-Star-Rating system. People can rate others’ post by simply sliding their finger above the screen, and the system would calculate out a corresponding rating number for this person.

This system allows people to estimate the quality of others’ posts as a whole, and is becoming more and more integrated into our daily life.

  • The Lenses
The lenses are the newest product that goes along with the rating system. Although it has only come out for a month, huge number of purchase had already been recorded.

The lenses are a new product of the company that had already gained huge popularity. There are mainly two reasons behind this:

  1. The lenses are incredibly convenient
    The lenses could display the ultimate rating of any people around you when you’re wearing them. It allows you to quickly estimate the people around you.
  2. The price is relatively low
    Although this product is newly introduced, the company kept the price relatively low so that and estimated 87% of the citizens could still afford it. The company was actually introducing their social platform more, using their lenses as an advertisement.

Keep in Mind!

However, the rating system has some dark sides. But how exactly could it hinder us?

Image for post
Lacie Pound, a present prisoner who used to be a 4.2. Her rating mysteriously nosedived through 24 hours.
  • Illusory
    We might be so used to rating and those rating numbers become too important to us. We have to keep in mind that the numbers do not represent everything about a person, and should not be a standard for anything. In other words, we should recognize the illusory nature of social media.
  • Distancing
    As the information about other people could be easily accessed, we tend to memorize less about a person. We have to remember the importance of actually communicating to others, instead of only pretending to be friends. This distancing between people and the weakening of relationship is something that should be avoided.
  • Addictive
    The last huge aspect is the addictive nature of this system. If this rating system takes too large of a portion in our life, we have to acknowledge the addictiveness that might jeopardize people. The rating system should be something that entertains us, not something that manipulates us.

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